Communication is one of the key functions of every CEO or founder. Every leader will have their approach to how they communicate and the frequency that they connect with their teams. As your teams and organisation grows it will become more challenging to maintain the level of communication and engagement that you did when you were much smaller.
A proven and effective tool to maintain this communication is a weekly CEO newsletter. Here is what you should include in yours.
1st Thoughts Section
You should start your newsletter off with something a little self-indulgent and that is what is on your mind. Almost certainly if it is on your mind as the leader then your teams should also be thinking about it. What are the key initiatives, new executive hires, policy changes or strategic changes that the team need to know about?
Our Progress Section
I do not doubt that this is the section everyone will pay attention to. Everyone wants to know how things are going. It is a great way for them to understand if everything is on track or behind and if what they are doing is working or not. This should be heavily guided by metrics and reflected the overall goals of the company.
Your Projects Section
This section is more focused on you personally, your projects that you’re spending non-productive time doing, what podcasts are you listening to or what is currently capturing your attention.
Talkback Section
Openly and honestly ask for feedback from your team. Feedback on yourself, your performance, the company more broadly or perhaps a specific initiative. Don’t be thin-skinned, take the feedback whatever it is, constructively and embrace it as an opportunity for growth. This will create trust with your team and drive a positive culture of transparency.
TAKEAWAY: Every CEO or founder should embrace the weekly newsletter for the clear communication benefits it provides. Employees that have a regular touch point with a CEO will feel more connected, engaged and have a greater sense of belonging. This will foster trust, and better outcomes and is foundational for a positive culture.